Source code for pysatSpaceWeather.instruments.sw_au

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-.
# Full license can be found in
# Full author list can be found in .zenodo.json file
# DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3986138
# DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release. Distribution is
# unlimited.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"""Supports the auroral electrojet AU values.

    - 'lasp' Predicted AU from real-time ACE or DSCOVR provided by LASP
    - ''


import datetime as dt
import numpy as np

import pysat

from pysatSpaceWeather.instruments.methods import auroral_electrojet as mm_ae
from pysatSpaceWeather.instruments.methods import lasp

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Instrument attributes

platform = 'sw'
name = 'au'
tags = {'lasp': 'Predicted AU from real-time ACE or DSCOVR provided by LASP'}
inst_ids = {'': [tag for tag in tags.keys()]}

# Generate today's date to support loading predicted data sets
today =
tomorrow = today + dt.timedelta(days=1)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Instrument test attributes

_test_dates = {'': {'lasp': today}}

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Instrument methods

[docs] def init(self): """Initialize the Instrument object with instrument specific values.""" self.acknowledgements = mm_ae.acknowledgements(, self.tag) self.references = mm_ae.references(, self.tag) return
[docs] def clean(self): """Clean the AU index, empty function.""" return
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Instrument functions
[docs] def load(fnames, tag='', inst_id=''): """Load the AU index files. Parameters ---------- fnames : pandas.Series Series of filenames tag : str Instrument tag string. (default='') inst_id : str Instrument ID, not used. (default='') Returns ------- data : pandas.DataFrame Object containing satellite data pysat.Meta Object containing metadata such as column names and units Note ---- Called by pysat. Not intended for direct use by user. """ data = pysat.instruments.methods.general.load_csv_data( fnames, read_csv_kwargs={'index_col': 0, 'parse_dates': True}) # Create metadata meta = pysat.Meta() meta['au'] = {meta.labels.units: 'nT', 'AU', meta.labels.notes: tags[tag], meta.labels.desc: ''.join([ 'Auroral Electrojet upper envelope, best estimate ', 'of the average value over the next two hours']), meta.labels.fill_val: np.nan, meta.labels.min_val: 0.0, meta.labels.max_val: np.inf} return data, meta
[docs] def list_files(tag='', inst_id='', data_path='', format_str=None): """List local data files for AU data. Parameters ---------- tag : str Instrument tag, accepts any value from `tags`. (default='') inst_id : str Instrument ID, not used. (default='') data_path : str Path to data directory. (default='') format_str : str or NoneType User specified file format. If None is specified, the default formats associated with the supplied tags are used. (default=None) Returns ------- files : pysat.Files A class containing the verified available files Note ---- Called by pysat. Not intended for direct use by user. """ # Get the format string, if not supplied by the user if format_str is None: format_str = ''.join(['sw_au_', tag, '_{year:4d}-{month:2d}-', '{day:2d}.txt']) # Get the desired files files = pysat.Files.from_os(data_path=data_path, format_str=format_str) return files
[docs] def download(date_array, tag, inst_id, data_path, mock_download_dir=None): """Download the AU index data from the appropriate repository. Parameters ---------- date_array : array-like or pandas.DatetimeIndex Array-like or index of datetimes for which files will be downloaded. tag : str Instrument tag, used to determine download location. inst_id : str Instrument ID, not used. data_path : str Path to data directory. mock_download_dir : str or NoneType Local directory with downloaded files or None. If not None, will process any files with the correct name and date as if they were downloaded (default=None) Raises ------ IOError If the data link has an unexpected format or if an unknown mock download directory is supplied. Note ---- Called by pysat. Not intended for direct use by user. """ lasp.prediction_downloads(name, tag, data_path, mock_download_dir) return