Source code for pysatSpaceWeather.instruments.methods.ace

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-.
# Full license can be found in
# Full author list can be found in .zenodo.json file
# DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3986138
# DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release. Distribution is
# unlimited.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"""Provides general routines for the ACE space weather instruments."""

import datetime as dt
import numpy as np
import os
import pandas as pds

import pysat

from pysatSpaceWeather.instruments.methods import general

logger = pysat.logger
clean_warn = {'dusty': [('logger', 'WARN',
                         "unused clean level 'dusty', reverting to 'clean'",

[docs] def acknowledgements(): """Define the acknowledgements for the specified ACE instrument. Returns ------- ackn : str Acknowledgements for the ACE instrument """ ackn = ''.join(['NOAA provided funds for the modification of ', ' the ACE transmitter to enable the broadcast of', ' the real-time data and also funds to the ', 'instrument teams to provide the algorithms for ', 'processing the real-time data.']) return ackn
[docs] def references(name): """Define the references for the specified ACE instrument. Parameters ---------- name : str Instrument name of the ACE instrument Returns ------- ref : str Reference for the ACE instrument paper """ refs = {'mag': "".join(["'The ACE Magnetic Field Experiment', ", "C. W. Smith, M. H. Acuna, L. F. Burlaga, ", "J. L'Heureux, N. F. Ness and J. Scheifele, ", "Space Sci. Rev., 86, 613-632 (1998)."]), 'epam': ''.join(['Gold, R. E., S. M. Krimigis, S. E. Hawkins, ', 'D. K. Haggerty, D. A. Lohr, E. Fiore, ', 'T. P. Armstrong, G. Holland, L. J. Lanzerotti,', ' Electron, Proton and Alpha Monitor on the ', 'Advanced Composition Explorer Spacecraft, ', 'Space Sci. Rev., 86, 541, 1998.']), 'swepam': ''.join(['McComas, D., Bame, S., Barker, P. et al. ', 'Solar Wind Electron Proton Alpha Monitor ', '(SWEPAM) for the Advanced Composition ', 'Explorer. Space Sci. Rev., 86, 563–612', ' (1998). ', '']), 'sis': ''.join(['Stone, E., Cohen, C., Cook, W. et al. The ', 'Solar Isotope Spectrometer for the Advanced ', 'Composition Explorer. Space Sci. Rev., 86, ', '357–408 (1998). ', ''])} if name not in refs.keys(): raise KeyError('unknown ACE instrument, accepts {:}'.format( refs.keys())) return refs[name]
[docs] def clean(inst): """Clean the common aspects of the ACE space weather data. Parameters ---------- inst : pysat.Instrument ACE pysat.Instrument object Returns ------- max_status : int Maximum allowed status Note ---- pysat Instrument is modified in place """ if inst.platform != "ace": raise AttributeError("Can't apply ACE cleaning to platform {:}".format( inst.platform)) # Set the clean level if inst.clean_level == 'dusty': logger.warning("unused clean level 'dusty', reverting to 'clean'") inst.clean_level = 'clean' max_status = 9 if inst.clean_level == "clean": max_status = 0 elif inst.clean_level == "dirty": max_status = 8 return max_status
[docs] def list_files(name, tag='', inst_id='', data_path='', format_str=None): """List the local ACE data files. Parameters ---------- name : str ACE Instrument name. tag : str ACE Instrument tag. (default='') inst_id : str Specifies the ACE instrument ID. (default='') data_path : str Path to data directory. (default='') format_str : str or NoneType User specified file format. If None is specified, the default formats associated with the supplied tags are used. (default=None) Returns ------- files : pysat.Files A class containing the verified available files Note ---- Called by pysat. Not intended for direct use by user. """ if format_str is None: format_str = '_'.join(["ace", name, tag, '{year:04d}-{month:02d}-{day:02d}.txt']) files = pysat.Files.from_os(data_path=data_path, format_str=format_str) return files
[docs] def download(date_array, name, tag='', inst_id='', data_path='', now=None, mock_download_dir=None): """Download the requested ACE Space Weather data. Parameters ---------- date_array : array-like Array of datetime values name : str ACE Instrument name. tag : str ACE Instrument tag. (default='') inst_id : str ACE instrument ID. (default='') data_path : str Path to data directory. (default='') now : dt.datetime or NoneType Current universal time, if None this is determined for each download. (default=None) mock_download_dir : str or NoneType Local directory with downloaded files or None. If not None, will process any files with the correct name and date as if they were downloaded (default=None) Raises ------ IOError If an unknown mock download directory is supplied or the file format changes. Note ---- Called by pysat. Not intended for direct use by user. Warnings -------- - Only able to download current real-time data - File requested not available on server """ # Ensure now is up-to-date, if desired if now is None: now = dt.datetime.utcnow() # Define the file information for each data type and check the # date range if tag == 'realtime': file_fmt = "{:s}-{:s}.txt".format("ace", "magnetometer" if name == "mag" else name) if any([len(date_array) > 1, date_array[0].year != now.year, date_array[0].month != now.month, date_array[0].day !=]): logger.warning(''.join(['real-time data only available for current', ' day, data in this file will have the ', 'wrong date.'])) else: data_rate = 1 if name in ['mag', 'swepam'] else 5 file_fmt = '_'.join(["%Y%m%d", "ace", name, '{:d}m.txt'.format(data_rate)]) url = {'realtime': '', 'historic': ''} data_cols = {'mag': ['jd', 'sec', 'status', 'bx_gsm', 'by_gsm', 'bz_gsm', 'bt_gsm', 'lat_gsm', 'lon_gsm'], "swepam": ['jd', 'sec', 'status', 'sw_proton_dens', 'sw_bulk_speed', 'sw_ion_temp'], "epam": ['jd', 'sec', 'status_e', 'eflux_38-53', 'eflux_175-315', 'status_p', 'pflux_47-68', 'pflux_115-195', 'pflux_310-580', 'pflux_795-1193', 'pflux_1060-1900', 'anis_ind'], 'sis': ['jd', 'sec', 'status_10', 'int_pflux_10MeV', 'status_30', 'int_pflux_30MeV']} # Cycle through all the dates for dl_date in date_array: # Get the file text from the remote or local destination raw_data = general.get_local_or_remote_text(url[tag], mock_download_dir, dl_date.strftime(file_fmt)) if raw_data is None:"".join(["Data not downloaded for ", dl_date.strftime(file_fmt), ", date may", " be out of range for the database or ", "data may have been saved to an ", "unexpected filename. Check URL: ", url[tag], ", or directory: ", repr(mock_download_dir)])) else: # Split the file at the last header line and the new line markers raw_data = raw_data.split('#-----------------')[-1] raw_data = raw_data.split('\n')[1:] # Remove the last header line # Parse the file, treating the 4 time columns separately data_dict = {col: list() for col in data_cols[name]} times = list() nsplit = len(data_cols[name]) + 4 for raw_line in raw_data: split_line = raw_line.split() if len(split_line) == nsplit: times.append(dt.datetime.strptime( ' '.join(split_line[:4]), '%Y %m %d %H%M')) for i, col in enumerate(data_cols[name]): # Convert to a number and save # # Output is saved as a float, so don't bother to # differentiate between int and float data_dict[col].append(float(split_line[4 + i])) else: if len(split_line) > 0: raise IOError(''.join([ 'unexpected line encoutered in ', url[tag], "/", dl_date.strftime(file_fmt), ":\n", raw_line])) # Put data into nicer DataFrame data = pds.DataFrame(data_dict, index=times) # Write out as a file data_file = '{:s}.txt'.format( '_'.join(["ace", name, tag, dl_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')])) data.to_csv(os.path.join(data_path, data_file), header=True) return
[docs] def common_metadata(): """Define the common metadata information for all ACE instruments. Returns ------- meta : pysat.Meta pysat Meta class with 'jd' and 'sec' initiated status_desc : str Description of the status flags """ # Initialize the metadata meta = pysat.Meta() # Define the Julian day meta['jd'] = {meta.labels.units: 'days', 'MJD', meta.labels.notes: '', meta.labels.desc: 'Modified Julian Day', meta.labels.fill_val: np.nan, meta.labels.min_val: -np.inf, meta.labels.max_val: np.inf} # Define the seconds of day meta['sec'] = {meta.labels.units: 's', 'Sec of Day', meta.labels.notes: '', meta.labels.desc: 'Seconds of Julian Day', meta.labels.fill_val: np.nan, meta.labels.min_val: -np.inf, meta.labels.max_val: np.inf} # Provide information about the status flags status_desc = '0 = nominal data, 1 to 8 = bad data record, 9 = no data' return meta, status_desc
[docs] def ace_swepam_hourly_omni_norm(as_inst, speed_key='sw_bulk_speed', dens_key='sw_proton_dens', temp_key='sw_ion_temp'): """Normalize ACE SWEPAM variables as described in the OMNI processing _[1]. Parameters ---------- as_inst : pysat.Instrument pysat Instrument object with ACE SWEPAM data. speed_key : str Data key for bulk solar wind speed data in km/s (default='sw_bulk_speed') dens_key : str Data key for solar wind proton density data in P/cm^3 (default='sw_proton_dens') temp_key : str Data key for solar wind ion temperature data in K (default='sw_ion_temp') References ---------- [1] """ # Check the input to make sure all the necessary data variables are present for var in [speed_key, dens_key, temp_key]: if var not in as_inst.variables: raise ValueError('instrument missing variable: {:}'.format(var)) # Let yt be the fractional years since 1998.0 yt = np.array([pysat.utils.time.datetime_to_dec_year(itime) - 1998.0 for itime in as_inst.index]) # The normalization depends on the year yt_dens = (yt >= 2019.0) & (yt <= 2021.0) yt_temp = (yt >= 2019.0) & (yt <= 2020.0) # Get the masks for the different velocity limits ilow = as_inst[speed_key] < 395 imid = (as_inst[speed_key] >= 395) & (as_inst[speed_key] <= 405) ihigh = as_inst[speed_key] > 405 # Calculate the normalized plasma density norm_n = np.array(as_inst[dens_key]) norm_n[ilow] *= (0.925 + 0.0039 * yt[ilow]) norm_n[imid] *= (74.02 - 0.164 * as_inst[speed_key][imid] + 0.0171 * as_inst[speed_key][imid] * yt[imid] - 6.72 * yt[imid]) / 10.0 norm_n[ihigh] *= (0.761 + 0.0210 * yt[ihigh]) # Overwrite the calculation for the year where velocity isn't important norm_n[yt_dens] = np.power(10.0, -0.010 + 1.006 * np.log10(as_inst[dens_key][yt_dens])) # Normalize the temperature norm_t = np.array(as_inst[temp_key]) norm_t[~yt_temp] = np.power(10.0, -0.069 + 1.024 * np.log10(norm_t[~yt_temp])) norm_t[yt_temp] = np.power(10.0, 0.266 + 0.947 * np.log10(norm_t[yt_temp])) # Update the instrument data as_inst['sw_proton_dens_norm'] = pds.Series(norm_n, index=as_inst.index) as_inst['sw_ion_temp_norm'] = pds.Series(norm_t, index=as_inst.index) # Add meta data for dkey in [dens_key, temp_key]: nkey = '{:s}_norm'.format(dkey) meta_dict = {} for mkey in as_inst.meta[dkey].keys(): if mkey == as_inst.meta.labels.notes: meta_dict[mkey] = ''.join([ 'Normalized for hourly OMNI as described in ', '']) elif mkey != "children": meta_dict[mkey] = as_inst.meta[dkey, mkey] as_inst.meta[nkey] = meta_dict return