Loading F10.7

pysatSpaceWeather uses pysat to load different historical, real-time, and forecasted solar, geomagnetic, and other space weather indices. As specified in the pysat tutorial, data may be loaded using the following commands. Historic F10.7 is used as an example.

import pysat
import pysatSpaceWeather as py_sw

f107 = pysat.Instrument(inst_module=py_sw.instruments.sw_f107,
                        tag='historic', update_files=True)
f107.download(start=f107.lasp_stime, stop=f107.today(), freq='MS')

The output includes all available historic data (as implied by the tag name), including the specified date. This data set starts on 14 February 1947, as indicated by the special instrument attribute f107.lasp_stime, and will not reach up to the present day. At the time of publication this produces the output shown below (the index header has been added here for clarity).

<Index>     f107
1947-02-14  253.9
1947-02-17  228.5
1947-02-19  178.8
1947-02-20  163.7
1947-02-24  164.1
...           ...
2018-04-27   69.6
2018-04-28   71.1
2018-04-29   72.2
2018-04-30   71.3

[25367 rows x 1 columns]